Dil Roberts Photography

Olympus mZD 75-300 II
Voigtlaender Nokton 40 f1.4
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N V
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N VII
Light is what's it all about.
Summer II
Super Bike
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N III
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 IV
Sigma 19 f2.8 for Nex IV

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Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

This is the last image from this combination for the moment. I suppose some of you are glad after the last few posts. On every walk my wife and myself go on I have to take at least one obligatory photo of her (she's got used to it by now) and this is the one taken with the 85 f4 Tessar. I like the rendition and the Fuji colours are very nice. I think the Olympus and Fuji cameras produce the best colour at the moment. Panasonic I've always had trouble with, Nikon is ok and I don't like Canon anymore. Hope the last few posts have been helpfull to somebody out there.

Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/340 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 06/18/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 976
• Fujifilm • X-T1 • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

These type of images might be boring to some of you but I just couldn't help myself taking them.

Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/1600 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 06/17/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 868
• Fujifilm • X-T1 • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

I just love this type of image. The near subject is sharp and the image just melts away until the background is just a blur.

Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/1700 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 06/16/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 862
• Fujifilm • X-T1 • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

I could check both bokeh and focus accuracy with this image. Nice bokeh, great colour rendition and focusing is very accurate. Very sharp on the X-T1 and together with the Zeiss Planar 50 f2, this lens will be used quite a lot on the X-T1 when a longer lens is needed. Again this is one of the cheaper Zeiss lenses and it just proves that good lenses don't have to cost thousands. Of course, it's only an f4 lens so good light is needed to use it unless a tripod comes into play.

Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/1600 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 06/15/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 857
• Fujifilm • X-T1 • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Testing manual focusing accuracy again. Focus was on the left Mandarin Duck and very nice ducks they are. In recent years I'm certain that the population of these very colourful ducks has increased dramatically. As I was shooting on this day, I saw at least 20 of these all together in a relatively small area. Never seen that before.

Anyway, I digress, as you can see the lens is very sharp even wide open as in the image above.

Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/300 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 06/14/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 878
• Fujifilm • X-T1 • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

There was enough separation here to blur out the background although the previous post and the image above were both shot wide open at f4. I was just seeing how accurate manual focus was using this combination and as you can see it really is accurate. Easier than I thought on this system, and I'm really impressed. Since aquiring the X-T1 I've been neglecting my M43 system because shooting with the X system is fun, and I'm sure those who haven't tried this system can't really understand what all the fuss is about. Just go out and try one, then you'll understand....and get hooked on the X system.

Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/180 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 06/13/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 875
• Fujifilm • X-T1 • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Bokeh test again. In certain situations the bokeh can be a little funky. Look at the water in the bottom left of the image. I don't really know what causes this (as I'm not really the theoretical sort of guy) but I've seen it before on other systems. It happens with the longer focal length lenses of 85mm and upwards and on different camera systems. This has nothing to do with the Fujifilm X-T1 because I have alsoseen it with M43 cameras. If anyone out there can explain this I would love to know. Please comment is you have any idea what this is.

Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/300 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 06/12/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 877
• Fujifilm • X-T1 • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Fujifilm X-T1 - Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Another great lens from Zeiss that matches up very nicely on the X-T1. The feel of these lenses makes you want to use them. I've  now got the 50 f2 Planar and the 85 f4 Tessar lenses and you know you've got quality in the hand because they're pretty heavy but the quality is simply superb. The lens is not perfect by all means but it's good enough for me. I hope the following images can persuade you that this lens is a great relatively cheap 85mm lens.

Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/35 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 06/11/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 865
• Fujifilm • X-T1 • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

Sony Alpha A7R - Carl Zeiss Tessar 85 F4 ZM T*

Sony Alpha A7R - Carl Zeiss Tessar 85 F4 ZM T*

Another image with the above combination that I like, pretty simple but I still like it. Shows some good tones and a little vignetting which was not introduced in PP. Vignetting adds to the image at times and this is one of them. As you see the lock gate is open slightly as a huge barge was just heading in. This technology isn't new, but I'm still fascinated at how it works. I guess I am a gear freak after all.

Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/100 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 03/31/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 854
• Sony • Alpha • Tessar • 85 f4 • A7R 

Sony Alpha A7R - Carl Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

Sony Alpha A7R - Carl Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 ZM T*

This is me trying to practice my A7R conversion method using a gradient map. If you don't know how to do this just google it and you'll get a plethora of answers and tutorials on the method. I can actually recommend this methos as I seem to be getting much better results using this method, rather than using Nik SFXII. One of the main benefits I see is no posterisation or colouring in sky areas. I used to get this regularly when using the Nik plug-in, probably because of the was I used it, but that's how I did it. With this methos I get the same results except the files lok a lot better (to me anyway).

What drew my attention in the above image was how the water at the lock was being drawn into the sluices, and directing the water to the generators. Yes, electricity is also generated in this lock and I find it an extremely efficient method of production. The lock was built in 1932 but has over the years been renovated and updated with new technology.

Notice also there is no colouring in the water at the top and on the right, the tones being even across the image. Detail in the waves (bottom right) is also just amazing. I haven't seen such detail in any images from any camera I have owned, but then again I haven't owned a camera like the Sony A7R before either.

Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/125 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 03/30/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1041
• Sony • Alpha • A7R • Zeiss • Tessar • 85 f4 

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