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Nikon 1 V1 - 1 Nikkor VR 70-300 f4.5-5.6

Nikon 1 V1 - 1 Nikkor VR 70-300 f4.5-5.6

Having aquired the Nikon 1 70-300 f4.5-5.6 some time ago I hadn't really found the time to put it through it's paces (except to test the lens for functionality and sharpness). I mounted it on one of my V1 cameras (with a grip) and set out on my test round. It's my usual route when testing lenses and gives the feeling of how the lens works and handles.


The lens is quite heavy for a body the size of the V1 and a grip on it is essential for stability. The V2 is even better with the grip design but I wanted to see how it handles on a V1. It's nothing to put in your pocket, even if you own a coat with large pockets; it's just going to fit. However, when you consider the focal range you have with this lens mounted (189 - 810mm in FF terms) it really is an incredible feat of engineering. Try using an FF lens of that range. It's something that you won't want to carry for miles around.


The folloeing images are composites for the most part of images taken at the shortest and longest focal lengths. As usual I'll let the viewer decide if the lens delivers in image quality. IMO it's a keeper for this system because I can't get this focal length in a small package with any other system. I've seem many incredible images taken with this lens but most have been using it with the Nikon V3. Yes I would like one but a couple of things are holding me back from purchasing that camera. One is the price. Nikon have to be realistic here. It's just too expensive and it's no wonder that it's not selling better. Just too expensive for my taste. External EVF. Not the best solution in my mind and I just didn't understand the logic. And it's an extra meaning you have to purchase it separately. It's not cheap either. MicroSD. What's with that? I can't see any logic in it at all. I don't buy the arguement of having to save space. Utter rubbish IMO. I may purchase one eventually when the price comes down to what I want to pay (which is not a lot) or I'll wait for the V4 and see what that brings. If it resembles anything like the V3 then I won't be investing any more time or money into the system.


I'd appreciate any comments or experience you may have using this lens on a V3. Any appreciable increase in image quality?


Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: unknown
Exposure Time: unknown
ISO: unknown
Dil 11/18/15 19:00     comments (0)
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• Nikon • Nikkor • V1 • 70-300 f4.5-5.6