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Olympus E-M10 - Olympus M Zuiko 25 f1.8

Olympus E-M10 - Olympus M Zuiko 25 f1.8

There is no doubt in my mind that Olympus created a great format when they introduced the 4/3 format some years ago. The icing on the cake was when they introduced (together with Panasonic) the m4/3 format. They managed to reduce the distance between the flange and sensor by 50% (from 40mm to 20mm) hence paving the way for smaller and lighter camera systems. The best thing for me was the ability to produce smaller lenses. After carrying around a rucksack full of large heavy Canon lenses and cameras for some yoears, my back and shoulders were begining to suffer and something had to change. Hence my decision to sell most of my Canon equipment and buy into the m4/3 system.


Don't get my wrong, m4/3 is not my only system and there are other systems out there that are just as small and just as good as this format. I do have other systems and when I go out I just select what takes my fancy, selecting the lenses I think I'll need. To be honest, I'll select an Olympus camera most of the time because I prefer them over the Panasonic offering. I'm not into video so I purchase a camera for still photography. That's one reason I don't have a Panasonic GHx camera. Where lenses are concerned I have both Olympus and Panasonic. I think both companies produce some excellent lenses and chosing sometimes is a real challenge.


The Panasonic Nocticron 42.5 f1.2 is a real classic and the only lens that Olympus can offer if the 45 f1.8 which in itself is a real bargain and a really great lens (yes I own it too), it's just that the Nocticron is better. Olympus have a few bargain prime lenses on the market which includes the 12 f2, the 25 f1.8 and the 45 f1.8. Truly marvels of technology. Small, light with excellent image quality. We all know it's about the lenses, right?


Following are samples taken with the E-M10 with the 25 f1.8 mounted on it. As you'll see, image quality is excellent and anyone saying that FF is better etc etc, well, just try the system, I'm sure you'll be very surprised at the speed, quality and the price you pay for these lenses. They do NOT cost the earth. The Olympus E-M10 is no slouch either. Really a great small and lightweight camera.

Focal Length: 25 mm
Aperture: f/1.8
Exposure Time: 1/4000 sec
ISO: 100
Dil 07/11/15 19:00     comments (0)
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• Olympus • E-M10 • 25 f1.8