Dil Roberts Photography

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Fujifilm X-T1 - Fujinon XF 55-200 f3.5-4.8 R LM OIS

Fujifilm X-T1 - Fujinon XF 55-200 f3.5-4.8 R LM OIS

One of the best things about the X-T1 is it's EVF. It truly is a joy to use. Now that it's olso got the peaking function and the split screen for manual focus lenses, I can use the Zeiss and Leica lenses on this camera with ease. A camera can influence which lenses one uses and I personally find using the 55-200 on the X-T1 easier than using it on the X-E1 or X-E2. Maybe it has to do with how well it balances and also the grip on the X-T1 is better than on the other two cameras (although I have the extra grip on the X-E1 and X-E2).

Focal Length: 200 mm
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 1/950 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 05/04/14 19:00     comments (0)
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