Dil Roberts Photography

Olympus mZD 75-300 II
Voigtlaender Nokton 40 f1.4
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N V
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N VII
Light is what's it all about.
Summer II
Super Bike
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N III
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 IV
Sigma 19 f2.8 for Nex IV

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Sony Nex-7 - Sigma 60 f2.8

Sony Nex-7 - Sigma 60 f2.8

Just another little compilation from the Sigma 60 f2.8. These are just snaps I took on a little walk a week or so ago and I'm even more impressed now than I was with this lens. The Nex cameras aren't really known to be fast focusing cameras so it doesn't matter what lens you put on it, it's not going to speed the camera up in that area. I can't really tell you what the focusing speed is on m4/3 cameras but I should imagine it's a little faster than the Nex.

I won't be purchasing these lenses for the m4/3 system since I have the Olympus 12, 45 and 60 macro for that format which are really fast and sharp lenses. They cost more than the Sigma lenses but they really shine on the m4/3 cameras. If these Sigma lenses had been out before I purchased the m4/3 lenses, I'm sure I would have purchased the Sigma lenses because there is quite a difference in price.

Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: unknown
Exposure Time: unknown
ISO: unknown
Dil 10/27/13 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1300
• Sony • Sigma • 60 f2.8 • Nex-7