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Fujifilm X100S

Fujifilm X100S

I've been thinking a lot lately about the Sony RX1 (or the RX1R variant) and the Leica Vario X cameras. Both have impressed me with the image quality I have seen on the Internet and I haven't managed yet to hold either in my hands. That's partly because it's too dangerous for my bank account. I'm sure that if I held either in my hands I would have to purchase them so I've been keeping away from going anywhere near a camera shop.

One of the reasons I like the Sony RX1 is because it's a full frame camera in a small package and a wonderful fixed 35mm lens mounted on it. Another great feature I like on the RX1 is the possibility to select a 50 and 75mm crop mode, but this is only available in jpg mode, and I'm not the biggest fan of the Sony jpg engine. A reason not to get the RX1 is the extra cost for the EVF and that is another hump to go on top of the camera. I much prefer the internal EVF and the release of the Panasonic GX7 has got me looking in that direction at present. I think Panasonic has got it right with this camera and have listened to the user base to improve their designs. I know the G series has an EVF but those cameras tend to be pretty light, whereas I prefer a certain heft to a camera. I find that it stabilises the system in my hand. The GX7 costs approximately a third of the cost of the Sony and may well be a candidate for future puchases.

I've always wanted to possess a Leica camera but the rangefinders are not for me. I tried out an 8.2 but found that it just doesn't suit my photographic needs. They brought out the X1 and X2 but found those just too expensive for what they offered and passed on them. Now, with the introduction of the Vario I'm again looking into a Leica camera, which offers a 24-70 equivalent fixed zoom and an exteral EVF. I have an Olympus VF2 so that will fit on the Vario cutting the cost of the purchase.

So what's keeping me from purchasing the Leica? Well, firstly the cost again. I keep asking myself if the camera is really worth the €2800 asking price. You must admit, it's a little steep but then again it is a Leica. I think if they're not careful they will price themselves out of the market, especially with the price of their lenses going through the roof. Leicas are still a niche segment and in these economic climates, less and less people can really afford to purchase these luxury items.

Having read through this post again, I think I've already made my decision about these cameras and that is, I'm going to hold off any purchases for the present. Another reason for the decision is the Fujifilm X100S. Just look at the image above, how much better can the Sony or Leica be, especially for my use. Not much wrong with the image quality here, although image quality is not all there is to be considered.

Focal Length: 23 mm
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 1/900 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 09/18/13 19:00     comments (0)
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