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Panasonic G Vario 14-140 f4-5.8

Panasonic G Vario 14-140 f4-5.8

I've shown this floating barbeque platform before. It seems that whenever a fair or something similar is on, this float comes out too, but only during fair weather. Personally I think it's a great idea, especially with the umbrella to shade the people from the sun. The weather here in Germany hasn't been good at all this spring and summer but it seems to have settled now and we will get some sort of summer. Heavy rain has caused extensive flooding, this being the second time after the flood of the century in 2002. People have been wiped out for a second time; I just don't know where they get the drive and energy to rebuild their lives again. I have to take my hat off to these people, because this sort of flooding is devastating.

This is the first time that I've used this combination of Olympus OM-D and the Panasonic G Vario 14-140 f4-5.8. This is the original lens that I bought with my Panasonic G1 camera because I thought I would get more into video. Well, the video idea just didn't take off because it's just not me but I kept the lens anyway. It's not half bad. I read on a forum of someone using this combination so I thought I'd give it a try. The combination does tend to be a little front heavy due to the lens but is manageable. As some of you may know, I don't tend to mix lenses from one manufacturer with cameras from another. My belief is that the lenses and cameras are being matched up and that's the way they should be used. This lens is definitely to be used with cameras like the G and GH series from Panasonic. The grip makes all the difference. That's my opinion anyway. Panasonic have now introduced a second version of this lens, it's a little faster and not as heavy which I believe was a good idea from Panasonic. It is also smaller which will make it universally a better lens for other cameras. It is also cheaper. Personally I won't be buying it because I have this one and I have the Olympus mZD 14-150 for that system. I think the 14-150 is one of my most used lenses because it offers good performance over a wide focal range.

Focal Length: 95 mm
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 1/1000 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 08/02/13 19:00     comments (0)
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• Panasonic • Olympus • OM-D • 14-140 f4-5.6