Dil Roberts Photography

Olympus mZD 75-300 II
Voigtlaender Nokton 40 f1.4
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N V
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N VII
Light is what's it all about.
Summer II
Super Bike
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N III
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 IV
Sigma 19 f2.8 for Nex IV

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Sony Nex Cameras

Sony Nex Cameras

I just love the way the sun highlights the clouds in this image. This is as high as the sun got during the daylight period. I have to admit, the Nex-5N is much better with RF lenses than the Nex-7. No colour cast at all. I'm also finding it difficult to tell the images apart. If I held up the same image from taken by the two camera I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Perhaps when printing large prints the detail would give the Nex-7 away, but apart from that, I don't the difference is noticeable.
What actually drew me to the Nex-7 was the ergonomics not the resolution. For my usage 16MP is more than enough, and I believe it's enough for most users.
Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/640 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 04/21/12 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1977
• Sony • Nex-5N • Voigtlaender • 15 f4.5 • manual focus • Norway